Witnesses described a large fireball over Lake Erie last night. The American Meteor Society had some 350 reports as of this writing. Thousands must have seen it!
This week, a camera saw 7 fireballs in 1 night! If you wish to see some celestial fireworks, the Alpha Capricornids are active all night long this time of year!
The 2 Taurid meteor showers are overlapping around now, making this week a great time to watch. Plus, this year, 2022, there's an extra chance to see fireballs!
A fireball lit up the skies over Germany last night. If you witnessed this fireball the IMO invites you to fill out a fireball report as soon as possible.
Robert has been interested in the stars as far back as he can recall. His first experience with meteors was a biggie, the 1966 Leonid shower. In 1980, a major awaking occurred. He received a sample copy of Meteor News. He was amazed to learn there was a group actually devoted strictly to meteor observing! He joined the group, also started to view some of the minor showers list among the pages of Meteor News. Lastly, he was contracted by Springer Publishing in 2007 to write a book on observing meteors. The book is now available and hopefully will be a useful guide to all interested in the enjoyable field of meteor observing.