Do we need a new cosmology? Maybe so

The standard model in cosmology can't explain everything. New data from Webb raises questions of whether we need a new cosmology.

Saturn closest and brightest for 2023: Best photos

Earth flew between the sun and Saturn on August 27. Then Earth was between the sun and moon, at full moon on August 30. Photos here of Saturn and the moon!

Wow! Whirlpool galaxy in stunning new Webb images

The James Webb Space Telescope just obtained incredible new infrared images of the famous Whirlpool galaxy, 27 million light-years from Earth.

Wait. How can this brown dwarf be hotter than our sun?

Astronomers have discovered a brown dwarf that is similar to a hot Jupiter exoplanet. It is hotter than any hot Jupiter seen before, even hotter than our sun.

Giant black hole rips out insides of massive star

Scientists have completed a detailed "forensic study" of a massive star destroyed by a giant black hole. The black hole ripped out the insides of the star.

Mars brain terrain resembles a human brain

So-called 'brain terrain' is one of the most unusual geological formations found on Mars, reminiscent of the surface of a human brain. What causes it?

Mystery of Neptune dark spot solved. New white spot found

Earth-based observatories revealed a dark spot on planet Neptune. Astronomers used its spectrum to discover what it is. Plus, they found a nearby white spot.

Neptune’s clouds linked to sun’s 11-year cycle

Years worth of images of the 8th planet from the sun show that Neptune's clouds are synced with the sun's 11-year cycle. Read the weather forecast for Neptune.

Pluto became a dwarf planet on today’s date

Pluto is the largest of many small bodies in the outer solar system. That's partly why it was demoted from major planet to dwarf planet in 2006.

NASA is ‘all eyes’ on the ice giants … and you can help!

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft and Hubble Space Telescope will turn their eyes to the ice giants - Uranus and Neptune - in September. And NASA wants your help!