Are those sinkholes on Rosetta’s comet?

Sinkholes on Earth happen when a subsurface cavern collapses. On the comet, the caverns may be created by ices turning to gas, as the comet nears the sun.

Black hole wakes up after 27 years

On June 15, a monster black hole started showing signs of extraordinary activity that hasn't happened since 1989. Astronomers around the world are watching.

Rosetta team struggles with Philae link

Since the Philae comet lander renewed contact on June 13, the Rosetta mission team has struggled to establish a stable link.

Next Mars mission is ESA’s ExoMars

ESA's ExoMars consists of two separate missions to investigate Mars. The first, set to launch in January 2016, consists of an orbiter and lander.

Get ready for New Horizons’ flyby of Pluto

NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft will fly through the Pluto system on July 14. It's only 2 weeks away!

SpaceX rocket explodes after launch

It was unmanned, and astronauts aboard the International Space Station still have 4 months of supplies. But it's the third failed cargo mission to ISS in 8 months.

Is our universe ringing like a crystal glass?

Two physicists say the universe's expansion has sped up, then slowed down, 7 times since time began. They describe this oscillation as the universe "ringing."

Titan’s strange lakes may be sinkholes

What forms the depressions holding liquid hydrocarbon lakes on Saturn's moon Titan? It might be a process similar to that creating caves and sinkholes on Earth.

Exoplanet has a comet-like tail Gliese 436b

A Neptune-sized exoplanet is being trailed by an immense cloud of hydrogen. This discovery might also suggest a method for detecting extrasolar oceans.

How close to finding alien life?

The search for life beyond Earth has heated up. Here are some of the ways that scientists have been thinking and talking about it, including a definition of new buzzword: biosignatures.