New AI tool can help find alien life in the solar system

Researchers in the U.S. and Japan have developed a new AI technique that can determine if there is evidence for past or present life, or not, with 90% accuracy.

Psyche mission launch success! Priceless asteroid, here we come

The Psyche mission has successfully launched to a priceless asteroid. The spacecraft launched on a Falcon Heavy from KSC in Florida on October 13, 2023.

Bus-sized asteroid buzzed past Earth on Thursday

A bus-sized asteroid safely passed Earth less than 1/4 the distance to the moon at 12:52 UTC (7:52 am CDT) on October 12, 2023.

Lightning on Venus? It’s rare, if it exists, says a study

Is there lightning on Venus? Contrary to previous belief, a new study from the University of Colorado Boulder suggests it is rare, if it even exists at all.

Why did VERITAS mission scientists travel to Iceland?

An international team of scientists recently studied volcanic activity on Iceland. The data will be used to prepare for the future VERITAS mission to Venus.

Confirmed! BlueWalker 3 satellite outshines 99% of stars

A new study - published in Nature on October 2, 2023 - confirmed that AST SpaceMobile's satellite BlueWalker 3 does outshine 99% of the stars.

World Space Week is October 4 to 10. Find events here

World Space Week runs every year from October 4 to 10. This year's theme is space and entrepreneurship. Find events near you here.

More galaxies like our Milky Way than previously thought?

New data shows galaxies like our Milky Way might have been 10 times more common in the early universe than previously believed.

Curiosity rover reaches ancient ridge of mud and boulders

After 3 attempts, NASA's Curiosity rover has finally reached a large ridge composed of ancient mud and rocks. The ridge preserves a record of Mars' wet past.

A Dyson sphere harvests the energy of stars

A Dyson sphere is a megastructure that could theoretically harvest all the energy of a star and supply an advanced alien civilization.