The moon is 40 million years older than we thought

Researchers studied zircon crystals in lunar samples brought back by Apollo astronauts to determine the moon is 40 million years older than we thought.

Ancient mud lake on Mars could hold traces of life

Researchers at the Planetary Science Institute said that an ancient mud lake on Mars would be an ideal place to search for evidence of ancient microbial life.

Webb sees new feature in Jupiter’s atmosphere: a jet stream

The Webb space telescope revealed a jet stream in Jupiter's atmosphere above its equatorial region. The jet stream travels at about 320 mph (515 kph).

The Local Group is our galactic neighborhood

What is the Local Group? It's a collection of the nearest galaxies in space. Read more about these neighbors of our home Milky Way galaxy.

How high up are meteors when they begin to glow?

How high up are meteors when they begin to glow? Meteors begin to glow almost as soon as they hit Earth's atmosphere, but vaporize at varying altitudes.

Are ultradense asteroids made of elements not seen on Earth?

A new study calculated that superheavy elements never seen on Earth could exist in ultradense asteroids in our solar system's asteroid belt. Learn more here.

Mists of tiny quartz crystals on a giant hot exoplanet

Astronomers using NASA's Webb telescope have discovered clouds of tiny quartz crystals in the atmosphere of a hot Jupiter exoplanet 1,300 light years away.

Can we detect dark matter using light from pulsars?

Researchers used pulsars to confirm the existence of long-sought axiom particles, and perhaps dark matter. The results were negative, but are only a first step.

Are the mystery mounds on Arrokoth ancient building blocks?

Scientists at SwRI say that odd mounds on Arrokoth, a Kuiper Belt object, are likely some of the original ancient building blocks that it formed from.

Riding Light: Tour the solar system at light speed

Tour the solar system at the speed of light in the video Riding Light. This video represents a photon leaving the sun and traveling past the inner planets to Jupiter.