Space artist depicted Pluto 36 years ago

Space artist Don Dixon captured Pluto in a painting 36 years before the New Horizons spacecraft revealed what it actually looks like.

Pluto time around the world

How light is noon on Pluto? This video from NASA and worldwide space fans, replicates Pluto's noontime light conditions from places all over Earth.

This black hole outgrew its galaxy

Astronomers have discovered a gigantic black hole - among the most massive black holes ever found - inside a normal-sized galaxy.

What the moon tells us about Earth

Moon might harbor bits blasted off Earth billions of years ago. These lunar time capsules could hold secrets of what Earth was like as life first emerged.

Will James Webb Telescope find new Earths?

If we took Earth and Venus - and had them orbit a cool, red star not too far away - could the James Webb Space Telescope tell which planet was habitable?

Cosmologists look beyond Standard Model

Cosmology - the science of the origin and development of the universe - has made progress in recent years. But many questions remain unanswered.

Strongest magnets make biggest cosmic explosions

In other words, magnetars - tiny neutron stars that are the strongest magnets in the universe - power long-duration gamma-ray bursts.

Galactic radio jets and dark matter

The afterglow of the Big Bang points to invisible dark matter, in places where galactic jets travel at near light speed.

Hidden supermassive black holes revealed

Scientists have detected 5 supermassive black holes previously clouded from view. The research suggests there are millions more hidden black holes out there.

Stars’ spiral arms cradle baby planets

A new theoretical model focuses on the spiral arms now known to exist around some young stars. The spiral arms may enable rocky planets like Earth to form.