Surprising frozen plains in Pluto’s heart

The latest data from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft reveals a vast, craterless plain apparently no more than 100 million years old.

This date in science: America and Russia meet in space

On July 17, 1975, a famous first handshake between nations in space.

New Horizons spacecraft sweeps past Pluto

New Horizons is alive and well and beyond the Pluto system. On Wednesday, scientists began releasing close-up images of geology on this distant ice world.

Charon’s surface youthful and varied

Pluto’s largest moon Charon has cliffs, troughs and a dark marking at its north pole, nicknamed 'Mordor' by New Horizons scientists.

Astronomers find Jupiter and sun twins

The most accurate analog ever found for our sun and and its largest planet, Jupiter. Could there be another Earth in this system, too?

Wonderful image! Saturn and moon Titan

Titan may be a large moon - its name even implies it - but it's still dwarfed by its parent planet, Saturn. Beautiful image from the Cassini spacecraft.

Dark matter bridge in cosmic neighborhood

Astronomers see a bridge of dark matter stretching from our Local Group to the Virgo galaxy cluster. It's bound on each side by vast bubbles devoid of galaxies.

Tracking station in Australia to receive first Pluto images

New Horizons' data will take 4.5 hours to reach Earth. The radio signals will be weak, practically whispers. Afterwards, New Horizons data is expected to take up to a year to transmit fully back to Earth.

Pluto’s time to shine

Guide and timetable to this week's exciting events as New Horizons spacecraft encounters Pluto! Countdown on NASA TV begins 7:30 EDT (11:30 UTC) Tuesday.

The women of New Horizons’ Pluto flyby

Women make up 25 percent of the New Horizons flyby team. Science team leader Fran Bagenal said, “This isn’t remarkable - it’s just how it is.”