Lava lakes on Io: Juno zooms in on Io’s volcanoes

NASA's Juno spacecraft flew in close to Io and studied lava lakes, gleaning new information on the volcanic processes on this active volcanic moon.

The Tunguska explosion rocked Siberia 116 years ago

The Tunguska explosion on June 30, 1908, is the largest asteroid impact in recorded history. It flattened 830 square miles of Siberian forest.

Hercules the Strongman and a great globular cluster

Hercules the Strongman is a great constellation to view in summer. With only a pair of binoculars you can see the globular cluster M13 in the Keystone.

Asteroid Bennu sample suggests an ocean world origin

Analysis of the asteroid Bennu sample delivered to Earth by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission shows a type of rock mirroring that found at Earthly mid-ocean ridges.

Asteroid Day to be observed worldwide on June 30

Asteroid Day is celebrated each year on June 30. Events are celebrated in Luxembourg (June 28-29) and around the world. Find more info here.

Habitable exoplanets could exist around nearby stars

By measuring radiation levels, astronomers using the Chandra X-ray Observatory and XMM-Newton satellite said some nearby stars could have habitable exoplanets.

Lyra the Harp contains Vega, a summer gem

Lyra the Harp is a constellation that hosts the second brightest star in the northern sky, Vega. Look for it on summer nights.

Russian satellite breakup sends ISS astronauts to shelter

A Russian satellite breakup on June 26, 2024, sent astronauts aboard the space station to their shelters until it became clear the debris was not in their path.

Pillars of Creation visualized in multiwavelength 3D

NASA has released a new 3D visualization of the Pillars of Creation using data from NASA's Hubble and James Webb space telescopes.

A new horned dinosaur from the Montana badlands

A new species of plant eating horned dinosaur was discovered in Montana. This creature, that lived 78 million years ago, had elaborate horns and frills.