Why are Mars’ polar caps different from each other?

Mars' polar caps are generally similar, but they also differ in some some ways. A new study shows how the differing sublimation of CO2 ice plays a role.

Question mark galaxy? Gravity lens creates cosmic graffiti

An unusual occurrence of gravitational lensing created this view of a question mark galaxy. The discovery reveals details about early galactic evolution.

International Observe the Moon Night September 14

International Observe the Moon Night is September 14, 2024. It's a global event for celebrating the moon. Here's how you can participate online or in person.

Cassiopeia ascends in September and October

Cassiopeia the Queen is an easy-to-find constellation. It has the shape of a W or M. Look in the north-northeast sky on September and October evenings.

Jupiter’s moon Io has a new volcano! See pics here

Jupiter's moon Io has a new volcano! The volcano appears in Juno spacecraft images from February 2024. Streams of lava and sulfur stains mark its flanks.

Watch a star’s surface bubble in fantastic video and images

For the 1st time, astronomers have watched a star's surface bubble in magnificent detail. The bubbling is hot gases on a star 178 light-years away.

Earth to get an asteroid mini-moon for 2 months

Earth will get an asteroid mini-moon for 2 months when the 33-foot-wide 2024 PT5 makes a close pass of our planet and makes a temporary loop about us.

New dinosaur – a long-necked titanosaur – uncovered in Spain

A new species of titanosaur, a large plant-eating dinosaur with a long neck, was discovered near Cuenca, Spain. It lived 73 million years ago.

Corona Australis is the sparkling Southern Crown

Corona Australis is a dim constellation lying below the Teapot asterism of Sagittarius. Its sparkling, curving shape befits its name.

Human-made meteor shower could hit Earth in a decade

When DART spacecraft hit asteroid Dimorphos, it released debris that should arrive at Mars and Earth, creating the 1st human-made meteor shower for the planets.