Hydrothermal vents on ocean moons could support life

A new study shows ocean moons in our solar system could have long-lasting geothermal activity on their oceans floors and may even be able to support life.

How the lynx beat extinction: Lifeform of the week

The lynx is a fascinating animal and an example of good conservation efforts. Here's how it managed to escape the list of critically endangered species.

Noctilucent clouds: Best season in years, happening now!

It may be the best noctilucent cloud season in years! Europe has had stunning displays of these night-shining clouds. See a gallery of noctilucent clouds.

The Tunguska explosion rocked Siberia 116 years ago

The Tunguska explosion on June 30, 1908, is the largest asteroid impact in recorded history. It flattened 830 square miles of Siberian forest.

A new horned dinosaur from the Montana badlands

A new species of plant eating horned dinosaur was discovered in Montana. This creature, that lived 78 million years ago, had elaborate horns and frills.

Lightning safety: Here’s what you need to know

Read up on lightning safety tips. Do you know whether it's safe to be at the beach in a lightning storm? How about a golf cart? Do rubber tires make you safe?

Large wildfires create fire weather: A vicious loop

Large wildfires create fire weather, resulting in a vicious loop. The fires create dark clouds of soot that increase temperatures and dry out the atmosphere.

It’s summer. What’s noon to you? Midday? High noon?

What do you mean by noon? Do you define it by your clock or wristwatch? Or the gnawing in your stomach? Here's how astronomers think about noontime.

Katmai bear cam season begins now! Livestream here

The world-famous Katmai bear cam season begins June 20, 2024. Find the livestream here and learn more about brown bears and Katmai National Park.

Heatwave in U.S. East as 2024 summer begins

Heatwave in U.S. East! It's scorching the eastern half of the U.S. as summer sets in. More on the heatwave and a new heat risk map, here.