Scientists forecast sea level rise of up to a foot by 2050

U.S. government agencies project that the rise in ocean height in the next 30 years could equal the total sea level rise seen over the past 100 years.

Earth’s oxygen provides new clues to alien life

Scientists announced new findings about when Earth's oxygen 1st increased in the atmosphere. The results will help scientists search for life on other worlds.

Global sea level rise: All roads lead to one conclusion

The global sea level has risen by more than an inch (3 cm) per decade since precise satellite measurements began in the 1990s.

Earthquake series was source of mysterious global tsunami

Scientists have uncovered how a complex earthquake in the south Atlantic Ocean sent an unexpected tsunami around the world in 2021.

NASA targets snowstorms in new balloon study

NASA is conducting its first study of snowstorms in the eastern United States in 30 years, with the help of scientists, weather balloons, aircraft and more.

Anak Krakatoa began a new eruption February 3

Indonesia’s Anak Krakatoa Volcano began a new eruption on February 3, 2022, as seen in this image shared by the European Space Agency.

Antarctica’s Larsen B embayment has disintegrated

After more than a decade in the Larsen B embayment, a large expanse of sea ice broke away from the Antarctic Peninsula in January 2022.

Preserved dinosaur egg reveals kinship to birds

Scientists show how characteristics seen in the embryo of a dinosaur egg relate to birds found on Earth today. Baby Yingliang was curled like a bird in its egg.

Megaflash! 2 new world records for lightning

The WMO said on February 1, 2022, that it has verified 2 new world records for lightning. To describe it, they're using the word "megaflash."

Bird ranges shifting northward: Audubon study

A new study from the National Audubon Society uses 90 years of Christmas Bird Count data. It shows bird ranges shifting northward.