How did cockroaches survive dino-killing asteroid?

Cockroaches survive in adverse conditions for many reasons. When the dinosaur-killing asteroid wiped out most of life on Earth, cockroaches persevered.

Sahara dust storm turns skies orange in Europe

Storm Celia has whipped up Sahara dust and turned skies orange from Northern Africa, across the Mediterranean and into Spain and other parts of Europe.

Listen to the songs of extinct birds

Listen to the bird songs of extinct birds, including a Bachman's warbler and ivory-billed woodpecker. Their voices are preserved through priceless recordings.

Wildfire risk will rise, UN report says

A new UN report says wildfire risk will rise. The report projects a 14% increase by 2030, 30% by 2050 and 50% by the end of the century.

US bald eagles have lead poisoning

A recent study found that about half of the bald eagles in the United States suffer from lead poisoning. See a gallery of bald eagles from February 2022.

Winter fog in Willamette Valley, Oregon

Extended periods of fog in Willamette Valley, Oregon, in 2022. What is going on with Oregon? And what is temperature inversion?

Rogue wave off BC coast sets new record

Scientists have confirmed that a rogue wave that struck off the coast of Vancouver Island, Canada, is the most extreme on record.

Blue Blob has slowed Iceland’s ice melt, for now

New research shows that a patch of cold water in the North Atlantic Ocean called the “Blue Blob" has temporarily slowed the melting of Iceland’s glaciers.

Less ice for mountain glaciers. What’s it mean?

A new atlas shows that there is less ice in many of the world's mountain glaciers, which will have an impact on communities that rely on that water.

Megadrought may be worst in 1200 years

The megadrought of 2000-2021 might exceed the record droughts since the year 800 CE, causing disruption to life in the American West.