Plate tectonics clues found in ancient crystals

A new study of ancient zircon crystals found in South Africa and other locations shows that plate tectonics on Earth began about 3.8 billion years ago.

Heatwave in India: Will it break in time for Eid?

An unprecedented heatwave has brought dangerous temperatures over 113 degrees F (45 degrees C) to in India and Pakistan. Will the heat break for Eid?

Do Europa’s odd ridges indicate life?

Europa's odd ridges may form similarly to those in Greenland. The ridges occur over subsurface pockets of potentially habitable water in the moon's ice shell.

Bird flu outbreak: Should you take down feeders?

A highly pathogenic bird flu is spreading among U.S. birds. Researchers originally recommended taking down feeders. Here's what they're saying now.

Our best images of Earth for Earth Day 2022

Enjoy this collection of some of our best images of Earth. Thanks to all who contributed their amazing photos, and have a Happy Earth Day!

Earth Day 2022: Celebrate online and in-person

To celebrate Earth Day 2022, NASA and the Earth Day network are hosting various events designed to promote the beauty of planet Earth and how we can protect it.

Emperor penguins are good dads

Emperor penguins are some of the most exceptional dads in nature. They endure the harshest winter conditions on Earth for their offspring.

Bumpy flight? Here’s how clouds affect air travel

Many types of clouds and even clear skies can produce a bumpy flight on an aircraft. But cumulonimbus are the most important clouds for airplanes to avoid.

Undulatus clouds look like wavy rows

Undulatus clouds look like wavy rows. They are formed from puffy or thin clouds and reside in the atmosphere high up, at mid-levels or closer to the ground.

Tornado outbreak slams Deep South on April 5

A tornado outbreak with up to 45 tornadoes struck the southern United States on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, leaving severe storm damage in S. Carolina and Georgia.