Gigantic jets – a rare type of lightning – caught on video

On August 4, 2024, cameras from the Astronomical Society of the Caribbean caught gigantic jets - a rare type of lightning - off the coast of Puerto Rico.

Evolution of penguins’ wings revealed in new fossils

A penguin fossil from 24 million years ago in New Zealand has shed new light on the evolution of penguins' wings. Read about he key fossil.

Extreme weather: We haven’t seen the worst yet

Earth's climate is now changing so rapidly that traditional meteorological forecasting models are failing to predict extreme weather.

Koalas are our cute and furry lifeform of the week

Koalas look like little toy teddy bears, but they are quite tough! They can eat leaves that would kill other animals. And their anatomy is surprising.

Hurricane Debby hit Florida this morning as a Cat 1

Hurricane Debby came onshore in Florida's Big Bend Region on Monday morning, August 5, 2024. Learn more about the storm's rainfall potential here.

Help monarch butterflies by planting milkweed

Monarch butterflies are in trouble, facing declining numbers amid habitat loss and pesticide use. But even a small milkweed garden can help them.

May’s solar storm created a new Van Allen belt

May's solar storm added a new ring - a 3rd Van Allen radiation belt - to Earth. This new Van Allen belt might last from months to years.

Komodo dragons have iron-coated teeth

Scientists have discovered that the curved serrated teeth of Komodo dragons are kept sharp by a coating of iron, and have an orange stain from the iron.

Massive ancient volcanic eruption found in Aegean Sea

Researchers have found evidence in the layers of the seafloor of the Aegean Sea for a previously unknown massive volcanic eruption some 520,000 years ago.

Airplane glory: What is it and how to spot one?

An airplane glory is easy to see, if you watch for it. It's the plane's shadow cast on a cloud, or the ground, surrounded by a halo of light.