Most dramatic music video ever

Recorded live by the doom metal band Hamferð during the March 20, 2015 total eclipse of the sun above the village of Kvívík in the Faroe Islands.

An octopus senses light with its skin

New research shows an octopus can change skin color in response to light, without input from the eye or brain.

Newly named dinosaur had a keen nose

It was a fierce predator, "not a dinosaur you'd want to mess with," said the scientist whose analysis of an ancient skull revealed a brand new species.

Video: Paddle boarders meet orcas

Imagine you're paddle-boarding, and an orca - killer whale - pops up on the ocean surface near you. Two amazing and beautiful videos, here.

Oldest stone tools found in Kenya

The tools, whose makers may or may not have been some sort of human ancestor, date back to 3.3 million years ago.

North Atlantic circulation slowing down already?

A predicted global warming effect is a slowdown in North Atlantic Ocean circulation. New research shows recent decreases that are unprecedented in the past 1,100 years.

Opah, the first truly warm-blooded fish

It circulates heated blood through its body as mammals and birds do. Its warm blood makes the opah a high-performance predator that swims faster, sees better.

Origin of Antarctica’s eerie Blood Falls

New work confirms zones of liquid salt water hundreds of meters below the bright red waterfall in icy Antarctica, known as Blood Falls.

Pacific ‘blob’ is changing weather patterns

What does this year's odd U.S. weather have in common with a huge spike in hungry, stranded sea lion pups on California shores? Both are linked to a giant patch of warm ocean water.

This date in science: Dramatic space photos of Pavlof Volcano

As Pavlof Volcano poured out lava and ash, ISS astronauts managed to capture these seldom-seen oblique views of the volcano.