Stratosphere pushes Santa Ana wind wildfires

A study says that the Santa Ana winds have an accomplice when it comes to California wildfires - extremely dry air pulled down from the stratosphere.

We’re not heading into mini ice age

Any drop in solar activity will be dwarfed by the impact of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, says Jim Wild of Lancaster University.

What the moon tells us about Earth

Moon might harbor bits blasted off Earth billions of years ago. These lunar time capsules could hold secrets of what Earth was like as life first emerged.

Yeti crabs thrive in hot ocean vents near Antarctica

This species of crab - found abundantly near the hot-water vents of the Southern Ocean - have now been described for the first time.

Urban wildlife is here to stay

Cities adapt to growing ranks of coyotes, cougars and other urban wildlife

Lifeform of the week: Portuguese Man o’ War

Don’t call the Portuguese Man o’ War a jellyfish. And don’t get near its stinging tentacles, even if it’s dead.

How the parrots got its chat

New findings help explain how parrots, just like humans, can talk and dance.

Many of Earth’s biggest aquifers overstressed

People around the world rely on groundwater for drinking and crop irrigation. But a new satellite data study says that many of our biggest aquifers are overstressed.

Video: Brainy octopus and its coconut

We can’t get enough of the coolness of octopuses here at Earthsky. Watch what this octopus does with coconut shells.

Earthquakes to blame for Mount Sinabung eruptions?

Scientists think there may be a link between the new volcanic activity at Mount Sinabung in Indonesia and three recent megathrust earthquakes.