Kochab and Pherkad: The Guardians of the Pole

Kochab and Pherkad are two stars in the Little Dipper that carry the nickname of the Guardians of the Pole. Here's how to find them and more.

Meet Delta Scorpii, aka Dschubba

Delta Scorpii, also known as Dschubba, is a variable star in the constellation Scorpius. With the eyes alone, you can check its brightness for yourself, and for science.

Is Zubeneschamali a green star?

Professional astronomers can explain to you why stars can’t look green. Yet many stargazers insist that Zubeneschamali proves otherwise.

Zubenelgenubi is Libra’s alpha star

Zubenelgenubi - Alpha Librae - is a double star, and is the second brightest star in the constellation Libra the Scales.

Alphecca, a jewel in the Northern Crown

Alphecca. Gemma. Alpha Coronae Borealis or simply Alpha Cor Bor. They're all names for a single star, the brightest star in the Northern Crown.

Rastaban and Eltanin, the Dragon’s Eyes, on June evenings

Look in the northeast on these June evenings, near the star Vega. You'll see Rastaban and Eltanin, the eyes of Draco the Dragon.