Revealing hidden alien oceans, with chemistry

NASA scientists say that to find hidden alien oceans on distant exoplanets, use chemistry. Ocean worlds will have distinctly different atmospheric compositions from planets that don't have oceans, including a lack of ammonia.

Exoplanet lost its atmosphere in ancient impact

A young Earth-sized exoplanet lost its atmosphere in a giant impact about 200,000 years ago, leaving behind clues in leftover dust and carbon monoxide gas.

Probing the depths of Jupiter’s storms

Juno provided data that has let scientists probe the depths of Jupiter's storms. We now know the Great Red Spot extends some 200 miles (300 km) down.

Another Astra launch attempt is imminent

A test payload for the U.S. Space Force to launch from the Astra spaceport in Alaska in early November 2021 will be Astra's 4th attempt at reaching orbit.

A new field guide for hot Jupiters

A new field guide for hot Jupiters combines Hubble Space Telescope observations with theoretical models. It should inform ideas about planet formation.

The 1st extragalactic planet?

Scientists believe they might have detected the 1st extragalactic planet by examining x-rays from M51, the famous Whirlpool Galaxy.

Asteroid Bennu’s boulder mystery solved

Asteroid Bennu's boulder mystery has now been solved, scientists say. Highly porous rocks explain the abundant large rocks but lack of fine sand-like regolith.

Andromeda galaxy photos, 2021

Enjoy a photo gallery of the best Andromeda Galaxy images from EarthSky readers! The Andromeda Galaxy is a great observing target on fall evenings.

Heads up! Famous comet 67P/C-G nearly closest

Famous comet 67P/C-G will sweep closest to Earth in November. Finder charts help you locate this comet before it leaves for another 193 years.

Watch the Progress 79 cargo launch October 27

On October 27, 2021, Russia’s uncrewed Progress 79 cargo craft will launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Here’s how to watch.