A Mars-sized exoplanet, like Mercury inside

Astronomers have found a nearby, blazing hot, Mars-sized exoplanet. It's like Mercury in composition and orbits its star in only 7.7 hours.

Seeking Europa’s water plumes with Clipper

Are Europa's water plumes real? NASA's Europa Clipper will launch in 2024 to visit this moon to answer this and other questions about its subsurface ocean.

Parker Solar Probe: 1st spacecraft to touch sun

The Parker Solar Probe is the 1st spacecraft to touch the sun. It did so in April of 2021 when it entered the sun's corona and sampled the atmosphere there.

5 weird things that happen in outer space

Here are 5 weird things that happen in outer space: the state of plasma, extreme temperatures, cosmic alchemy, magnetic explosions and supersonic shocks.

Dark matter missing from 6 galaxies

Astronomers completed a 40-hour long observation of an ultra-diffuse dwarf galaxy and discovered no traces of dark matter.

Hundreds of new exoplanets from Kepler data

Scientists have found hundreds of new exoplanets in data from the Kepler mission. These include 301 new confirmed exoplanets and 366 new planetary candidates.

$5-billion asteroid Nereus flies by December 11

Asteroid Nereus will pass Earth at about 10 lunar distances on December 11, 2021. Scientists will study it. Its potential value is $5 billion in precious metals.

‘Mystery hut’ on the far side of the moon

China's Yutu 2 rover in the Von Kármán crater on the far side of the moon has spotted a roughly cube-shaped object on the horizon. What is Yutu 2's 'mystery hut'?

M87’s jet has a double-helix structure

M87's jet - a black-hole-powerd stream of sub-atomic particles - streaming outward some 8,000 light-years, traveling at near-light-speed. Also, it's corkscrew-shaped!

Asteroid impact monitoring system goes live

The asteroid impact monitoring system Sentry-II is analyzing near-Earth asteroids to look for ones that could intersect with Earth's orbit.