Launches: SLS meets test goals despite leak

In Launches: NASA performed a test on the leak on Artemis' SLS fueling system on September 21, 2022, and said it met all test objectives.

Was Charon’s red cap formed by cryovolcanoes?

Why does Pluto's moon Charon look red on top? A new study from researchers at Purdue University suggests that cryovolcanic eruptions created Charon's red cap.

Webb’s 1st Mars images: A heat map and more

Webb's 1st Mars images and spectra were released on September 19, 2022 ... and wow! It's like seeing a whole new Mars.

Voyager 1: 1st portrait of Earth and moon 45 years ago today

On September 18, 1977, as it headed toward the outer solar system, Voyager 1 looked back and acquired a stunning image of our Earth and moon.

Launches: Blue Origin crewed flights grounded

Today's Launches: The FAA has grounded crewed flights aboard Blue Origin's New Shepard until it can complete an investigation of a mishap on September 12, 2022.

Launches: CAPSTONE recovery efforts continue

In Launches: Controllers improved communications with the CAPSTONE spacecraft following a loss of control on September 8, 2022.

How Saturn’s lost moon Chrysalis became its rings

A new study suggests Saturn's lost moon Chrysalis came too close to Saturn and was torn apart, forming the ring system we see today.

Launches: The Owl Spreads Its Wings September 15

2 launches scheduled for today are Rocket Lab Electron and SpaceX Falcon 9. Both are attempting to create globe-spanning satellite networks.

Rare space diamonds found in meteorites

Scientists have confirmed the existence of space diamonds known as lonsdaleite, and they said they were created when a dwarf planet and asteroid collided.

Launches: Orbital debris studies to receive NASA funding

NASA said this week it intends to fund 3 university-based research proposals over the coming year, on the issue of orbital debris.