HAKUTO-R – 1st private moon lander – loses contact

Yesterday, ispace attempted to achieve the 1st private moon landing with their HAKUTO-R mission. The team lost contact with the lander in the last moments.

Martian moon Deimos image reveals far side for 1st time

This Deimos image shows the far side of Mars' smaller moon in high resolution, for the first time. The Hope spacecraft reveals a possible planetary origin.

Supernova X-rays zap planets’ atmospheres, 160 light-years away

Researchers are now saying that supernova X-rays can damage planets' atmospheres at up to 160 light-years away, dramatically altering life's prospects.

Einstein rings might help solve dark matter puzzle

By studying Einstein rings, scientists have found that axions are more likely to be the form of dark matter than WIMPs. Learn more about the study here.

What are white dwarf stars? How do they form?

A white dwarf is the incredibly dense core of a dead star, left behind when the star exhausted its fuel. Our sun will become a white dwarf one day.

What are coronal mass ejections? Big burps of sun-stuff!

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are powerful eruptions on the sun that can disrupt electrical systems and produce brilliant auroral displays on Earth.

Goodbye, Rock Friend! Mars rover loses pet rock

Fans react as the Perseverance Mars rover loses its pet rock, Rock Friend, this week after more than a year together. Thanks for the ride, NASA!

What are brown dwarfs?

Brown dwarfs are more massive than a planet, but less massive than a star. They can be found orbiting stars, or traveling around in the galaxy on their own.

A geomagnetic storm is caused by activity on the sun

A geomagnetic storm is a disturbance in Earth's magnetic field, caused by activity on the sun. The current solar cycle number 25 has triggered a few of them.

New protoplanet discovered 374 light-years away

An international team of astronomers has discovered a new protoplanet - a young, still-forming planet - 374 light-years from Earth. It is still buried in dust.