Evidence for ancient river on Mars in new rover images

NASA's Perseverance rover has spotted new signs of an ancient river on Mars, deeper and faster than any seen before. Curving layers of rocks provide the clues.

Help spot asteroids! The Daily Minor Planet needs you

NASA's new project, the Daily Minor Planet, is asking for you to help spot asteroids. Find out how to help here and learn more about the project.

Saturn’s moon count grows by 62 for a record 145 satellites

Saturn's moon count grew by 62 with the newest discovery, bringing the planet's satellite total to 145. That puts it above Jupiter's 95 recognized moons.

Saturn’s rings much younger than Saturn itself

How old are Saturn's rings? A new study suggests they're only about 400 million years old at most, much younger than Saturn itself. Dust provided new clues.

Largest cosmic explosion ever seen is still ongoing

Astronomers have found the largest cosmic explosion yet seen, from a cloud of dust around a black hole. So far the explosion has lasted more than 3 years.

NASA’s Astrophoto Challenge for summer 2023

NASA invites the public to participate in its Astrophoto Challenge for summer 2023. For this challenge, the focus is on the Phantom Galaxy. Details here.

Skylab – America’s 1st space station – 50 years later

Skylab was America's 1st space station. Three crews lived and worked there for over 171 days, studying the sun and Earth and setting records for life in space.

Moon’s inner core is solid, like Earth’s, scientists say

Researchers in France say that the moon's inner core is solid, with a density close to that of iron, solving a long-standing debate about the heart of the moon.

Fomalhaut has 3 nested belts around the star

Webb has spotted dusty debris disks around the star Fomalhaut. These 3 nested belts are similar to our solar system's asteroid and Kuiper belts.

The Drake Equation and the late planet

Astronomer Guy Ottewell discusses how the recent discovery of a star swallowing a late planet can help refine an estimate for part of the Drake Equation.