Mars in ultraviolet: New hues for the red planet

The MAVEN spacecraft acquired 2 new images of Mars in ultraviolet. These new views help us get a different perspective on the planet next door.

Single supernova looks like 4. Why?

Astronomers have released a bizarre new image of a supernova. Gravitational lensing from a galaxy in the foreground causes the single supernova to look like 4.

Lightning on Jupiter! Juno sees a green bolt

NASA's Juno mission captured lightning on Jupiter. The greenish bolt of light stands out against a dark oval storm in the northern reaches of the planet.

Exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 c not very Venus-like

New findings from NASA's Webb Space Telescope show that rocky exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 c is not Venus-like as theorized and only has a very thin atmosphere at best.

Images from the 3rd Mercury flyby of BepiColombo!

BepiColombo had its 3rd Mercury flyby on June 19, 2023, and now ESA has released 3 new images of Mercury taken during the encounter. See them here.

How did the universe become transparent? New insight here

NASA's Webb Space Telescope has answered the question of 'How did the universe become transparent?' Read more about how bubble galaxies merged.

Second ‘Tatooine’ multiplanetary system discovered

An international team of astronomers says it has found the 2nd-known Tatooine-like multiplanetary system. At least 2 planets orbit both binary stars at once.

Planisphere: Your friend for finding stars and constellations

A planisphere is an easy-to-use tool that can help you learn the night sky. Align the date and time to see what constellations and stars are overhead.

House-sized asteroid followed by bus-sized asteroid

Wednesday's house-sized asteroid was followed by a bus-sized asteroid that passed Earth Thursday. Both were discovered just within the last week.

Building block for life found on Saturn’s moon Enceladus

Scientists have found phosphorus - a key building block for life for many biological processes - in icy grains emitted by Saturn's moon Enceladus.