1st Saturn image from Webb highlights glowing rings

Webb has taken its 1st Saturn image! This infrared view shows Saturn's rings shining bright in a golden light. You can also spot some of Saturn's moons.

Milky Way shines in new ‘ghost particle’ neutrino image

Scientists released a new "ghost particle" image of the Milky Way. It is the 1st-ever image taken of our home galaxy using neutrinos instead of visible light.

Found! Long-sought gravitational wave background

Found at last! For the 1st time, researchers using pulsar timing arrays have found evidence for the elusive gravitational wave background.

What are gravitational waves? Ripples in spacetime

First postulated by Albert Einstein in 1916 but not observed directly until September 2015, gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime.

Life’s building blocks found in Orion Nebula

Scientists have found carbon compounds - life's building blocks - in a planet-forming disk, encircling a star in the famous Orion Nebula.

Why do stars twinkle, but planets do not?

Seen from space, both stars and planets shine steadily, but seen from Earth, stars twinkle while planets (usually) do not. Here’s why.

Is Europa’s habitability limited by slow evolution?

Researchers at ASU say that Europa may have formed slower than thought, with less interior heat. That could affect the habitability of Europa's ocean.

Geminid meteor mystery solved? It was a collision!

Data from the Parker Solar Probe helped scientists discover that the Geminid meteor shower is most likely the result of a violent event on asteroid Phaethon.

Listen to space with these new sonification videos

Listen to space with 3 new sonification videos of NASA highlighting the star system R Aquarii, the galaxy cluster Stephan's Quintet and galaxy M104.

Mars in ultraviolet: New hues for the red planet

The MAVEN spacecraft acquired 2 new images of Mars in ultraviolet. These new views help us get a different perspective on the planet next door.