Pluto became a dwarf planet on today’s date

Pluto is the largest of many small bodies in the outer solar system. That's partly why it was demoted from major planet to dwarf planet in 2006.

NASA is ‘all eyes’ on the ice giants … and you can help!

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft and Hubble Space Telescope will turn their eyes to the ice giants - Uranus and Neptune - in September. And NASA wants your help!

Voyager 2 confirms Neptune’s rings on this date in 1989

NASA's Voyager 2 confirmed the discovery of Neptune's rings on August 22, 1989, when it took images of a faint, continuous ring system around the planet.

Are the TRAPPIST-1 exoplanets habitable, or not?

In a new study, astronomers say that at least some of the 7 Earth-sized TRAPPIST-1 exoplanets could be habitable now, even if they didn't start out that way.

How far back in time can we see?

How far back in time can we see? Earendel is the farthest star we've seen. The cosmic microwave background reveals the universe's first light. Can we see more?

Surf’s up! Waves on heartbeat star are as tall as 3 suns

Giant waves on heartbeat star MACHO 80.7443.1718 are as tall as 3 suns, astronomers say. They give a new meaning to the phrase "surf's up!"

The colors of Earendel, farthest known star

The Webb space telescope has looked at the colors of Earendel, the most distant known star. The new data shows that the star likely has a redder companion star.

Ancient ‘honeycomb’ mud on Mars boosts chances for life

NASA's Curiosity rover has discovered ancient honeycomb-patterned mud on Mars. The now bone-dry mud is evidence of cyclic wet-dry periods in Mars' past.

The centuries-long effects of Saturn storms

A team of researchers has found that huge Saturn storms - megastorms much larger than hurricanes on Earth - can last for hundreds of years at a time.

How DART deflected an asteroid (but released a boulder swarm)

Thanks to DART, we minutely deflected the asteroid from its path in the name of planetary defense. But we also released a boulder swarm.