Lucy spacecraft update: And then there were 3!

The Lucy spacecraft has revealed yet another surprise! The moonlet orbiting the larger Dinkinesh is actually two objects, what scientists call a contact binary.

Record-breaking black hole found in the early universe

NASA has discovered a supermassive black hole that is at an early stage of growth in the early universe. Its mass is about the same as its host galaxy's.

Best places to find ice on Mars revealed in new NASA map

NASA has released a new map of ice on Mars as part of the Subsurface Water Ice Mapping project. It shows all the known and suspected areas of underground ice.

Astronomers spy new auroras for Uranus

For the 1st time, astronomers have detected infrared auroras for Uranus, the 7th planet. They say it'll help them learn about Earth's auroras.

Jupiter as you’ve never seen it. Thanks, Hubble!

The giant planet Jupiter reached opposition this week, coming closest to Earth for the year. In celebration, NASA released this ultraviolet view of Jupiter.

After the asteroid, dust killed the dinosaurs, study says

Researchers say they've solved a decades-long mystery. They said dust killed the dinosaurs - plain dust from pulverized rock - following an asteroid impact.

A network of life-supporting rivers for Mars?

Could there once have been a network of life-supporting rivers for Mars? A study from Penn State suggests Mars' rivers might once have been common.

Surprise! Plate tectonics helped create Venus’ hellscape

Scientists have long thought that Venus never had plate tectonics. But a new study suggests it did early on, which created the atmosphere we see today.

Fast radio burst traveled 8 billion light-years to Earth

Astronomers have confirmed the most distant fast radio burst ever found so far. It resides in a small group of merging galaxies 8 billion light-years away.

Where is Proxima Centauri?

The closest star to our sun is Proxima Centauri, in the triple star system Alpha Centauri. But where is Proxima Centauri in our sky and in space?