Betelgeuse nearly disappeared – for some – in rare eclipse

On December 11 and 12, 2023, the star Betelgeuse dimmed, and nearly disappeared, for several seconds as asteroid Leona passed in front of it.

When our sun dies, what will happen to Earth?

A study suggests our sun is about the lowest mass star that - when it dies - produces a visible, though faint, planetary nebula. What happens when our sun dies.

Can haze on water worlds aid in the search for life?

Researchers at Johns Hopkins are simulating haze on water worlds. The haze muddles observations but can also help determine if an exoplanet is habitable.

Comet Halley to reach farthest point from sun on December 9

Comet Halley reaches its farthest point in orbit from the sun on December 9, 2023. It'll then begin its return trip to the inner solar system, arriving in 2061.

Dark cloud near Milky Way’s center is strangely quiet

There's a dark region near the Milky Way's center known as the Brick. This cold cloud of gas and dust should be forming stars, but, strangely, it's not.

Rocky exoplanets can form in the most extreme environments

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has found molecular building blocks of rocky exoplanets in a region previously thought to be too extreme and hostile.

Could a giant void explain the universe’s expansion?

Scientists think we could live in a giant void, a less-dense bubble leftover from the Big Bang. If so, it could explain the expansion rate of the universe.

Einstein’s gravity and quantum mechanics united at last?

Modern physics is founded on 2 pillars: Einstein's gravity and quantum mechanics. But these 2 theories contradict each other. Does this theory reconcile them?

Astronomers spot 1st giant stream of stars between galaxies

Astronomers have found the 1st giant stream of stars outside a galaxy. It lies among the galaxies in the Coma cluster, and it may shed light on dark matter.

1st planet-forming disk found in another galaxy

For the first time, astronomers have discovered a planet-forming disk around a young star in another galaxy outside our own Milky Way galaxy.