‘Super-puff’ exoplanets are like cosmic cotton candy

New observations of "super-puff" exoplanets by the Hubble Space Telescope have provided scientists with more clues about these enigmatic and strange worlds.

Betelgeuse: The Great Dimming of 2019-2020

The red supergiant star Betelgeuse, a bright star in the constellation of Orion, has been making headlines due to a recent drop in brightness. Is an explosion imminent? If it happens, will Earth be affected?

Wow! More evidence for active volcanoes on Venus

We've known for some time that Venus has vast lava plains, fields of small lava domes, and large shield volcanoes. But does it still have active volcanoes? A new study involving lava flows on Venus suggests that, yes, it does.

An ancient starburst in the Milky Way’s center

New observations reveal that - about a billion years ago - the center of our Milky Way galaxy underwent a period of intense star formation, resulting in over 100,000 supernovae.

Top 9 EarthSky stories of 2019

From the 1st landing on the moon's far side to the 1st actual image of a black hole, here’s a quick roundup of 9 of the stories our readers enjoyed most in 2019.

Betelgeuse is ‘fainting’ but (probably) not about to explode

The well-known bright star Betelgeuse - a red giant star, famous for its name and for the fact that it'll explode someday - has become noticeably dimmer since late October. Here's what astronomers think is happening.

Astronomers find ‘missing’ neutron star after 32 years

Thirty-two years ago, Supernova 1987A erupted in the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud. Astronomers using the ALMA radio telescope now say they've found the small, compact neutron star created in this mighty star explosion.

Don’t miss these cyclones on Jupiter, and more

The Juno spacecraft's last perijove - or closest point to Jupiter - resulted in a treasure trove of images. Its next perijove is coming up on December 26. Get updated here, and view Juno's latest amazing images.

Europe’s CHEOPS mission will shed light on strange new worlds

The European Space Agency has successfully launched its CHEOPS space telescope, the 1st of 3 planned missions to study distant exoplanets in greater detail than ever before.

Scientists see a new kind of explosion on the sun

A new kind of magnetic explosion, called forced magnetic reconnection, was seen for the first time in images from NASA’s SDO spacecraft. Learn more in this beautiful video.