What is dark energy?

Dark energy is one of the great unsolved mysteries of cosmology. It's now thought to make up 68% of everything in the universe.

Astronomers announce 100 new minor planets beyond Neptune

They're called trans-Neptunian objects, or TNOs. Astronomers analyzed data from the Dark Energy Survey - which just completed 6 years of observations - to find over 100 new little worlds in the cold outer reaches of our solar system.

Quasar tsunamis rip across galaxies

Astronomers using the Hubble Telescope found that the region around a quasar's black hole pushes out material at a few percent the speed of light. These quasar tsunamis wreak havoc on the galaxies in which the quasars live.

Will we soon see potentially habitable exoplanets more clearly?

Because stars are so much brighter than their planets, we've barely begun to glimpse distant exoplanets, or planets orbiting distant stars. Now a new technology promises to provide better imaging of these potentially habitable exoworlds.

See Curiosity’s epic new selfie from Mars

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has taken a beautiful new selfie.

Meet the giant exoplanet where it rains iron

The temperatures on the day side of giant exoplanet WASP-76b are scorching, high enough for metals to be vaporized. But the night side is cooler, and winds carry an iron "rain" from the day side to the night side.

What’s cool about Curiosity’s discovery of organic molecules on Mars

The Curiosity rover has found organic molecules called thiophenes, which, on Earth, are associated with biological systems. Are they evidence for once-living microbes on Mars?

Have the first proteins been found in meteorites?

Researchers say they've discovered the first complete proteins inside 2 meteorites. It's tantalizing, since proteins play a key role in the cells of living creatures. But will the results hold up to scrutiny?

What if super-puff planets have rings?

All 4 of the gas giant planets in our solar system - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune - are known to have rings. Could many of the so-called super-puff or cotton candy exoplanets have rings instead of super low densities?

And now, a word from Juno at Jupiter

Juno arrived at Jupiter in 2016. It's in a 53-day orbit around the planet. Close sweeps past the planet are called "perijoves" (peri means "near"). Here are some spectacular images from the most recent sweep, Perijove 25, in February.