Halley’s Comet is Edmond Halley’s namesake. Happy birthday, Edmond!

Astronomer Edmond Halley is famous for predicting the return of the comet that we now know as Halley's Comet. Edmond was born on November 8, 1656.

Media we love: Totality, The Great North American Eclipse of 2024

Read a book review of "Totality: The Great North American Eclipse of 2024" by Mark Littmann and Fred Espenak. Reviewed by Bruce McClure.

Daylight Time ends Sunday: 7 tips to help you adjust

Daylight Time ends on November 5, 2023. Here are 7 tips from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine to help you adjust to the time change.

November birthstone: Choose either topaz or citrine

The November birthstone, topaz, comes in lots of colors. It's a much-loved gemstone in jewelry, with myths that date to ancient times. Another choice is citrine.

Anticrepuscular rays: How to see them

If you want to see anticrepuscular rays, look carefully opposite the direction of the sun. They are most often seen at sunrise or sunset.

Halloween is an astronomy holiday. It’s a cross-quarter day

A cross-quarter day falls between an equinox and a solstice. Halloween is the year's 4th cross-quarter day and the spookiest of the 4.

What was the Carrington Event, and why does it matter?

The Carrington Event of 1859 was a massive geomagnetic storm triggered by an active sun. People saw auroras at low latitudes bright enough to read by.

Solar eclipse photos keep coming, and they’re awesome

Solar eclipse photos from October 14, 2023, still haven't stopped coming in. Here are a few more great ones! Thanks to all who contributed.

New AI tool can help find alien life in the solar system

Researchers in the U.S. and Japan have developed a new AI technique that can determine if there is evidence for past or present life, or not, with 90% accuracy.

Happy Friday the 13th: It’s the 2nd one in 2023

When a year with 365 days starts on a Sunday, like 2023, it's inevitable Friday the 13th will occur twice. In 2023 Friday the 13th comes in January and October.