6 amazing facts about ants

It’s summer here in the Northern Hemisphere. And summertime is ant time. Here are 6 things about ants you might not know.

The science behind puppy dog eyes

You know that look your dog gives you, with the raised eyebrows, that melts your heart? A new study says that wolves don't do it. It's a part of how dogs have evolved to communicate with humans.

Baby pterodactyls could fly from birth

A new study suggests the prehistoric reptiles could fly right after hatching. It's an ability no other flying animal living today, or in the history of life as we know it, has been able to replicate.

Fossils reveal new details about hadrosaur’s appearance

More evidence for a showy, fleshy snout for the hadrosaur, part of the family of duck-billed dinosaurs. These creatures lived 75 million years ago in what's now northern Montana and southern Alberta, Canada.

Atmospheric CO2 hits record high in May 2019

NOAA reports that carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere continued its rapid rise in 2019, reaching the highest recorded levels in 61 years of observation last month.

The undark nights of summer

Guy Ottewell lives in England. His illustrations of 3-dimensional space are illuminating. Long summer twilights, explained.

Has the ball lightning mystery been solved?

What is ball lightning? Scientists have been trying to figure that out for hundreds of years, and now it seems they may finally be close to solving one of Earth's most intriguing natural mysteries.

Sea sponges collect DNA from fish, penguins, seals

A new study reports that sponges, which can filter 10,000 liters of water daily, catch DNA in their tissues as they filter-feed.

How to celebrate World Oceans Day 2019

World Oceans Day is Saturday, June 8. Celebrate! Plan or find an event. Participate on social media. Or ... just go to the beach. Some ideas for participating here.

Melting small glaciers could add 10 inches to sea level by 2100

A new analysis of 200,000 glaciers worldwide paints a picture of a future planet with a lot less ice and a lot more water.