‘Listening’ to save the North Atlantic right whale

The North Atlantic right whale is endangered. A new technology finds the whales as they approach harmful and noisy situations, with the aim of protecting them.

What is the age of Earth?

Our planet does not give up its age easily. Scientists studied the oldest rocks from our planet and solar system to figure out Earth's age.

Arctic sea ice succumbs to Atlantification

Satellite data reveal that warmer Atlantic waters are intruding on Arctic sea ice. The warm waters are impeding sea ice regrowth in winter.

Say hello to the world’s biggest iceberg

The world's biggest Iceberg - named A-76- cracked off of Antarctica in late May.

How do forecasters make hurricane season predictions?

The complex interplay among many factors - African monsoons, ocean temperatures, wind shear, El Niño and La Niña – that go into predicting hurricane season.

NOAA predicts another active Atlantic hurricane season in 2021

NOAA is predicting a busier-than-usual hurricane season for 2021. Although hurricane season officially starts June 1, subtropical storm Ana - which formed early Saturday off the coast of Bermuda - has already become the season’s 1st named storm.

This nocturnal dinosaur had owl-like night senses

New research shows that a small dinosaur called Shuvuuia deserti, which lived in the deserts of what's now Mongolia, had exceptional night vision and hearing, similar to modern day owls and other night predators.

Off Japan’s coast: An ancient animal symbiosis comes back to light

Scientists have found a surprising modern-day symbiosis between 2 undersea animals, which had been gone from the fossil record for 270 million years.

New clues to ancient life from billion-year-old lake fossils

We think of earthly life as evolving from the sea. But newly discovered microscopic "ball" fossils - found in ancient lake sediments in Scotland - suggest that evolution from single-celled to multicellular organisms might have occurred in lakes.

Warming is clearly visible in new US climate normals

Climatologists at NOAA have released updated climate "normals." They explain what "normal" means, how our U.S. climate normals have changed, and how to best make sense of them.