Hurricane storm surge: what is it?

Of all the hazards that hurricanes bring, a hurricane storm surge is the greatest threat to life and property along the coast. Learn more here.

Effects of nuclear war on Earth today: ‘Not winnable’

A nuclear war isn't winnable, says a recent study. It would lead to a new ice age, killing algae at the base of the ocean food chain and blocking shipping ports with ice.

Northern autumn ahead. Here’s your equinox sky

Northern autumn arrives on September 22 or 23, 2022, with the equinox. The time and date depend on precisely where you live. Find out more here.

Abandoned ant hill excavation reveals a city

Watch an abandoned ant hill excavation by scientists! In this video, scientists pump concrete into an empty ant colony so you can see the intricate structure.

Voyager 1: 1st portrait of Earth and moon 45 years ago today

On September 18, 1977, as it headed toward the outer solar system, Voyager 1 looked back and acquired a stunning image of our Earth and moon.

Dino death due to volcano-asteroid double whammy

A new study says that dino death on Earth - 66 million years ago - was due to a one-two punch from both an asteroid strike and mega volcanoes.

Will you see colors in the aurora?

If you live below 50 degrees N. latitude, any aurora visible is likely to be low on your horizon, and you're less likely to see vivid colors.

Western heatwave broken by tropical storm

The western heatwave in the United States was broken by the drenching rain and cooler temperatures brought by Tropical Storm Kay.

Dolphins may use whistles like humans use names

Scientists say that whistles that dolphins make may represent individuals, the way humans use names. This discovery is a first. Read more here.

2022 was 3rd hottest summer in US

The U.S. just had its 3rd hottest summer on record. From June 1 to August 31, 2022, temperatures averaged 73.9 F (23.2 C). Read more about the summer weather.