CO2 from human activity far surpasses that of volcanoes

Human activity produces more CO2 in three to five days than all volcanoes produce in a year, according to study. Read more about CO2 from human activity.

World’s best scuba diving video

If you dream of scuba diving, enjoy this video from shallow water dives at the "center of the center" of marine biodiversity in the Philippines.

Google Ocean maps dive deep

You can now see detailed views of deep ocean floor through Google Ocean. Read more about Google ocean maps and seafloor topography.

Parrots and crows solve same puzzle in their own way

Study shows how two highly intelligent bird species, parrots and crows, use native talents to inform their decisions. Read more about these smart birds.

June 2011 Arizona fires seen from space

By Friday evening, June 10, the Wallow fire in Arizona had burned nearly 409,000 acres. Three images taken from space show the fierce magnitude of this event.

How to attract lots of sharks and count them

The jagged edge of a shark's dorsal fin is unique -- like a human fingerprint -- and was a key characteristic in allowing researchers to count one population.

Monkeys playing rock-paper-scissors regret bad choices

Monkeys can, like us, feel remorse over the road not taken - at least when it comes to rock-paper-scissors - say researchers.

Hottest summers now might be coolest summers by 2050

Coolest summers may be hotter than the hottest summers of the past 50 years for many areas of the globe if greenhouse gases continue to rise, study shows.

Lemurs are an island unto themselves

Madagascar's diverse lemur population can be described by many adjectives: tiny, jumpy, creepy and smelly, to name a few. Read more about lemurs.

Ocean gyres explained by Emanuele Di Lorenzo

Think about stirring your morning coffee and the liquid spinning, then imagine that happening on an oceanic scale. Voila! An ocean gyre. Read about ocean gyres.