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Emily Willingham

52-Hertz song of world’s loneliest whale

The loneliest whale in the world, the 52-Hertz whale, sings a song no other whale will answer and travels the oceans alone.

Measles on the rise in the US, worldwide

Measles - one of the world's most contagious diseases - is forging a path through the unvaccinated in the U.S., reaching its highest infection rate since 1996.

SpongeBob may not be good for 4-year-old thinking

Watching only nine minutes of SpongeBob SquarePants reduced preschoolers’ self-organizing ability and short-term recall, says a study.

Pain relievers linked to risk of pregnancy loss

Researchers say Non-aspirin pain relievers such as ibuprofen and naproxen might be linked to pregnancy loss during the first 20 weeks.

Elderly faces trace history of childhood poverty

Researchers note that being poor in childhood might lead to greater irregularities in facial symmetry many decades later based on studies on elderly faces.

H5N1 bird flu making a comeback in 2011

A deadly strain of the "bird flu" virus is currently spreading in Asia, with a focus in Cambodia, where all eight people infected so far this year have died.

Addiction now defined as chronic disease of brain

The American Society of Addiction Medicine no longer defines addiction as a behavioral problem, but instead as a problem with brain circuitry.

Measles and cholera in refugee camps in Somalia

Cholera and measles are killing hundreds of people in Somalia and the Horn of Africa, most of them children already weakened by starvation.

Chocolate boosts brain, visual powers

New research finds more potential health benefits of that delightful substance we call chocolate.

Gonorrhea reaching for superbug status, still

A wily and rapidly evolving strain of gonorrhea is emerging as a globally threatening suberbug. Read more about the resistant strain here.