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Beth Lebwohl

Microbes buried in salt shed light on ancient life

Lowenstein studies microbes buried in salt - that is, in water droplets that have been sealed inside salt crystals for thousands to millions of years.

Ken Cassman discusses water for food

Ken Cassman spoke with EarthSky about how we can grow more food for Earth's growing population using the same or less water than we’re using today.

Chris Jones: Best ways to reduce your greenhouse gas output

Chris Jones explores ways you can cut down on the greenhouse gases you put in the air, and what's the best way to do it?

Energy and water have a vital link

It takes energy to use water, and we need water for energy. The connection between energy and water, is an most important issue of the 21st century.

Monarch butterflies use plants for medicine

Humans aren’t the only creatures who improve their health with medicine. Monarch butterflies do, too.

Joan Kleypas on ocean acidification

Joan Kleypas on ocean acidification is a change in ocean pH that's happening due to increased emissions of CO2 in our modern world.

Hidden water use, by Charles Fishman

Watching your flat screen TV uses water. So does running your computer. Fishman talked about water use that we might not think about - or even know about.

Semir Zeki: Beauty is in the brain of the beholder

A paper by Semir Zeki suggests that you can determine what a person finds beautiful just by examining his or her brain state.

Nina Fedoroff on science for global agricultural challenges

Nina Fedoroff: "One of the biggest challenges is how to raise the grain crops, the soybeans, the corn, the wheat that will thrive in a much harsher climate."

Jennifer Ackerman on secrets of the common cold

Scientists used to think a cold worked just like a flu, which attacks and kills cells inside the body. But that’s not so, says Ackerman.