West Antarctic ice shelves tearing apart at the seams

Floating ice shelves in West Antarctica are losing their grip on adjacent bay walls, which could amplify an already accelerating loss of ice to the sea.

Arctic sea ice hits its maximum extent for 2012

The maximum extent of Arctic sea ice during 2012 was the ninth lowest in the satellite record. Sea ice extent is a major marker for global warming.

Final issues statement from Planet Under Pressure conference, London, 2012

The Planet Under Pressure conference in London ended today. Read the final conference statement from the four-day conference here.

Is herpes virus killing coral?

Researchers say viral disease - particularly herpes - might have a role in the worldwide decline of coral. Several factors are currently killing coral.

Hail in the U.S. in March 2012

This March, we in the U.S. have seen some dynamic storms produce large and copious amounts of hail. How hail forms and some great images.

Severely ill dolphins sickened by Gulf oil spill?

Severely ill dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico dolphins saw heavy, prolonged exposure to oil in the Deepwater Horizon spill.

CO2 emissions caused by humans in a video

Watch a time-lapse video of human-made global CO2 emissions in map form. It spans the 18th century through the first decade of the 21st century.

What’s your nitrogen footprint?

Researchers have created a nitrogen footprint calculator that uses information about your food and energy use to work out your nitrogen footprint.

Warmest decade since 1850 in 2001-2010

During 2001-2010 , the warmest decade, "numerous weather and climate extremes affected almost every part of the globe" with flooding, droughts, and more.

James Cameron returns, after record-breaking dive to deepest ocean

James Cameron's record-breaking dive took him into the 6.8-mile-deep (11-kilometer-deep) undersea Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench.

Matching Donation Campaign

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