Lesson from Friday’s storm deaths: when weather is bad, stay home

Eight of nine people who died during the May 31, 2013 severe weather event in Oklahoma were in their cars.

Strong tornadoes possible in central U.S. May 31, 2013

Severe weather outbreak is likely this evening (May 31, 2013) across the Central Plains. Strong tornadoes, large hail, and flooding likely. Be safe!

Increasing CO2 in air is making deserts greener

Scientists call this a "carbon dioxide fertilization effect." It has caused a gradual greening of arid regions on Earth from 1982 to 2010.

Genetically-engineered mosquitoes find humans less attractive

Scientists worked with Aedes aegypti, which transmits dengue and yellow fever. Modified mosquitoes showed a reduced preference for humans' smell.

As Earth warms, Arctic is warming fastest

The Arctic has been warming about twice as fast as the rest of the globe. A new map from NASA illustrates this uneven warming.

Top ten new species 2013

This list includes a glow-in-the-dark cockroach, a harp-shaped carnivorous sponge and the smallest vertebrate on Earth.

Four amazing tornado videos in May 2013

Always go to your safe spot and avoid filming the storm, if you are in harms way. Always keep your path of travel from intersecting that of a tornado!

Scientific campaigns to reduce the incidental catch of seabirds

The incidental catch of seabirds, a common phenomenon bound to some types of fisheries, is one of the main threats suffered by seabird populations.

Severe weather across U.S. Plains likely week of May 27

Severe weather looks likely all week long from May 27 through June 1. Be weather ready if you live in any of the slight or moderate risk areas.

NOAA expects an active 2013 Atlantic hurricane season

I'm not a fan of long-term weather projections. But all of the signs that typically make an Atlantic season active are present in 2013.