Bats, a spooky season icon, are our lifeform of the week

Bats might be spooky, but they pollinate flowers, control insect pests, and have inspired scientists to improve human lives in many ways.

New coral reefs and seamounts discovered in the Galápagos

Scientists on a research vessel exploring the Galápagos Islands discovered two deep-sea coral reefs and two previously uncharted seamounts.

Space vehicle reentries shed exotic metal particles to Earth’s atmosphere

NOAA studies made of Earth's stratosphere suggest that space vehicle reentries shed exotic metal particles in Earth's atmosphere.

What’s a fairy ring of mushrooms? Why is it a circle?

Have you ever noticed mushrooms growing in a circle? It's known as a fairy ring, and it's the result of a fungus growing underground. But why is it round?

Mystery fairy circles are a global phenomenon, says AI study

Here's the 1st study to map fairy circles on a global scale, suggesting these circular patches in arid ground are more widespread than thought.

Manatees might return to the endangered species list

Manatees died in record numbers over the past two years. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is considering relisting them as an endangered species.

Antarctic ice shelves losing volume: What does it mean?

A new study reported that Antarctic ice shelves are losing volume, with the west side of the continent seeing the greatest losses.

2023’s ozone hole is one of the biggest on record. Why?

Satellite images show 2023's ozone hole over Antarctica is one of the biggest on record. The reason could be the eruption of the Tongo volcano in January 2022.

Argentina wildfire threatens city of Villa Carlos Paz

An Argentina wildfire was encroaching on the city of Villa Carlos Paz on October 11, 2023. Drone footage showed flames and a "wall of fire" near the city.

World record for waterspouts over Great Lakes!

On Friday, October 7, the U.S. National Weather Service reported dozens of waterspouts over the Great Lakes in North America. A new world waterspout record!