Audubon Christmas Bird Count signup has begun

The Audubon Christmas Bird Count, held each winter, is one of the longest-running community science projects. You can help collect important data about birds.

Earth’s magnetic field shields us. But it can move and flip

Earth's magnetic field helps protect life on Earth. But the magnetic poles wander, and they flip polarity every 100,000 to 1,000,000 years.

What moves the sailing stones of Death Valley?

At Death Valley’s Racetrack Playa, the sailing stones show signs of movement, etching trails in the dry lake bed. It was a mystery until quite recently.

How to see Earth’s shadow at sunrise and sunset

Just before sunrise and after sunset, you can spot Earth's shadow. Look west at sunrise and east at sunset. Learn more about Earth's shadow here.

Are some modern earthquakes aftershocks from the 1800s?

Scientists examined modern-day earthquakes in 3 regions of North America and found that some are aftershocks from the 1800s.

Are 2 huge blobs inside Earth due to an ancient impact?

A new study from an international team of researchers says that 2 huge blobs inside Earth came from the collision with the planet Theia billions of years ago.

Iceland braces for eruption of Fagradalsfjall volcano

Iceland declared a state of emergency on November 10, 2023, near Fagradalsfjall volcano, dormant for 800 years until 2021. Now it looks poised to erupt again.

Bird names poised for a change, say ornithologists

The American Ornithological Society announced that it will be changing the bird names for some 70 to 80 bird species. Here's why they're doing it.

A fogbow is cousin to a rainbow

A fogbow is like a white rainbow. It's made by much the same process as rainbows but with a fog's smaller water droplets instead of larger raindrops.

Anticrepuscular rays: How to see them

If you want to see anticrepuscular rays, look carefully opposite the direction of the sun. They are most often seen at sunrise or sunset.