Hear the birth of an iceberg

Different types of ice loss from glaciers produce distinct rumbles, snaps and splashes as icebergs are born. Have a listen!

View from space: India by night and by day

Two photos taken by ISS astronauts - one at night and the other in daylight - show the peninsula of southern India.

Powerful Nor’easter pounds US Northeast

Widespread winter storm conditions in northeastern U.S. New York not affected as strongly as expected, but strong effects farther north in Boston. Both cities come to a standstill.

Little auks adapt to warming Arctic

This little bird, that looks kind of like a flying penguin, has got scientists rethinking how polar ecosystems are changing in our warming world.

Video: How the smell of rain happens

When a raindrop hits a surface, tiny air bubbles burst from the drop in a fizz of aerosols. Watch the high-speed video.

Electrifying view inside a cyclone from ISS

If you love extreme weather, outer space and photography, you'll love this image of lightning inside Cyclone Bansi in the Indian Ocean, taken from ISS.

2014 warmest year on record

NASA, NOAA, and Japan Meteorological Agency all report 2014 as Earth's warmest year since modern-day record-keeping began in 1880.

Arctic continues to warm at twice global rate

NOAA’s 2014 Arctic Report Card shows that amplified warming in the Arctic is leading to changes across the land and sea.

See comparative sizes of ocean giants

This image shows the body size for 25 marine species, including whales, sharks, squids, and other ocean giants. Check out the little human swimmer in each row!

Success! Two men complete historic climb at Yosemite’s El Capitan

Two Americans have become the first to free-climb Yosemite National Park’s Dawn Wall, which has been called the hardest rock climb in the world.