The 2015 Great Backyard Bird Count starts February 13

This year’s Great Backyard Bird Count runs from February 13 to February 16. It’s free and easy to participate. Find out how here.

Dinosaurs on LSD?

A hallucinogenic fungus, perfectly preserved in amber, suggests that the fungus, the grasses it lived on, and grass-eating dinosaurs co-existed for millions of years.

DSCOVR launch rescheduled for Wednesday

Following launch scrubs on Sunday and again today, the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) now is scheduled to launch at 6:05 p.m. EST Wednesday, February 11.

Do pulses from seafloor volcanoes trigger climate swings?

Volcanoes on the ocean floor flare up on regular cycles - lasting from two weeks to 100,000 years. Do they help produce suddenly seesawing hot and cold periods?

Surprise! Earth’s core has a core

Researchers have found that the Earth’s inner core has an inner core of its own ... smaller than the moon.

Stunning view of Antarctica’s tallest volcano

Along Antarctica's Pacific coast, a chain of volcanoes jut from the ice sheet. The tallest of these is Mount Sidley. Here's a satellite view.

When sounding rockets launch into auroras …

In late January, researchers launched sounding rockets into the northern lights. Great images and a video!

Long-necked dinosaur roamed China 160 million years ago

Scientists report on the discovery in China of a new species of dinosaur - calling Qijianglong - a creature that was "half neck."

New study helps sort out Easter Island mystery

What caused the collapse of Easter Island's Rapa Nui society? Was it environmental degradation or the arrival of Europeans? New research suggests it was a combination of factors.

Ancient skull offers clues to humans’ migration out of Africa

A partial skull from a cave in northern Israel sheds light on the first modern humans to walk out of Africa and their interbreeding with Neanderthals.