Huge salty aquifer found under Antarctica

Antarctica's Dry Valleys are home to briny lakes at the surface. Now scientists find liquid salt water - possibly containing unknown ecosystems - below ground.

Dinosaur-killing asteroid caused India’s Deccan Traps?

The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago might have mobilized an existing volcanic system, causing vast lava flows.

Preserving nature in the Age of Humans

Scientists, philosophers, historians, journalists, agency administrators and activists grapple with what it means to 'save nature' in the Anthropocene.

Tonga’s newest island: Before and after views

Last December, an undersea volcano exploded to life in the Polynesian island kingdom of Tonga. The eruption created a new island.

Who loves rainbows?

April showers brought these rainbows. Enjoy these awesome photos from our friends!

Why do global temperature records differ?

NASA, NOAA, and the Japanese Meteorological Agency all publish slightly different global temperature measurements. Why?

Huge magma reservoir discovered under Yellowstone supervolcano

It's below the magma chamber they knew about before and contains enough hot, partly molten rock to fill the Grand Canyon 11 times over.

Imagine you are diving, and suddenly …

Amazing video of whales surfacing - open-mouthed - under a diving expedition.

Carbon from melting permafrost goes back to atmosphere

According to a new study, microbes eat the carbon and release it as CO2, where ends up back in the atmosphere and contributes to further warming.

Powerful 7.9-magnitude earthquake rocks Nepal

The quake's epicenter less than 50 miles from capital city of Kathmandu. Hundreds dead and many historic buildings collapsed.