Giant sea scorpion was ancient sea predator

Scientists have discovered a person-sized sea scorpion that lived 467 million years ago.

What is the Yellowstone supervolcano?

Beneath Yellowstone National Park lies a volcanic hotspot. The most recent enormous eruption occurred 640,000 years ago. What's going on now?

Plastic bits in 90% of seabirds

A new study estimates that almost all seabirds have eaten plastic.

Can El Niño end California drought?

El Niño is expected to bring heavy rains to drought-stricken California. That prospect raises the question: what would it take for the drought to be over?

Bats also face chemical threats

Cave-dwelling bats are fighting an epic battle against the fungal disease white-nose syndrome. Now, they may be facing another foe — chemical contaminants.

Linked: Amazon wildfires, Atlantic hurricanes

Years of data on storms and sea surface temps show a correlation between a warm North Atlantic Ocean - more destructive hurricanes - and a fire-prone Amazon.

Record-breaking three Category 4 hurricanes in Pacific

First recorded occurrence of three Category 4 hurricanes in central and eastern Pacific basins at once. Hurricane Center in Honolulu issuing advisories on all three.

Skydiving spider discovered in South America

Biologists have discovered a nocturnal hunting spider that can steer while falling. Watch it glide!

Got a minute? Climate change/sea level rise

How is climate change connected to sea level rise? One-minute video explains.

Did glaciers lure wolves back to California?

More than 90 years after California's last wolf was killed, a pack has been observed near Mt. Shasta. Are the mountain's glaciers a reason the wolves chose this location?