India’s monsoon not bringing enough rain

“Right now, the monsoon is 12 percent below average and dropping, and [India is] headed for a pretty serious dry season,” said a researcher.

Powerful earthquakes off Chile’s coast

At least five people killed and 1 million evacuated, after a powerful 8.3-magnitude earthquake off the coast of Chile last night. Tsunami waves and many strong aftershocks followed. Tsunami advisory for California and Hawaii.

Video: This year’s El Niño compared to 1997-98

Wow! Check out this visual comparison of the emerging El Niño with the record-breaking El Niño of 1997-98, which created weather extremes around the globe.

Researchers find double crater in Sweden

They are evidence of two enormous meteorite impacts, a twin strike that happened around 460 million years ago.

2015 Arctic sea ice minimum 4th lowest

The 2015 Arctic sea ice minimum summertime extent is the 4th lowest since observations from space began, according to a NASA analysis of satellite data.

El Niño this year: What will it bring?

An El Niño is building that's expected to culminate in the fall and last until the winter and could possibly become a “mega” El Niño.

The amazing tongue of the hummingbird

Drinking nectar requires a tongue that fits the flower and works like a pump. Cool video!

Earth has 3 trillion trees, says study

That's more than previous estimates. But the number of trees has dropped by 46% since the start of human civilization, says the study.

Super stonehenge found below ground

Archaeologists have found evidence for a circle of 90 huge standing stones buried near Stonehenge.

Is the pronoun ‘I’ becoming obsolete?

Thinking of plants and animals - including humans - as independent individuals might be an oversimplification, according to modern thinking in microbiology.