Lifeform of the week: Armadillos

From the pink fairy to the screaming hairy, armadillos are a most peculiar mammal.

Asteroid Day 2016 will be June 30

The European Space Agency hosted a press conference about Asteroid Day, which was co-founded by astrophysicist and rock musician Brian May.

Using light to understand rogue waves

They're not tsunamis, but they can be dangerous to ships. They're gigantic ocean waves, seeming to appear out of nowhere. New research may help predict them.

Rare salamander lays eggs in Slovenia cave

Slovenian folklore speaks of baby dragons flushed from parents’ subterranean lairs. Today, we know these rare creatures as the olm, and one of them has laid eggs.

Lightning strikes, seen from ISS

Is this cool or what? Time-lapse video from International Space Station astronaut Tim Peake.

Earthlike exoplanets with Earthlike interiors?

Rocky planets orbiting other stars have interiors similar to Earth's, with a thin outer crust, thick mantle, and Mars-sized core, says a new study.

Icy volcano in Chile about to erupt?

Several recent events suggest that a set of glacier-covered volcanoes in the southern Chilean region of Bío-Bío may be likely to erupt.

2016 Great Backyard Bird Count starts February 12

This year’s Great Backyard Bird Count runs from February 12–15. It’s free and easy to participate. Find out how.

Ice sheet releasing Mississippi River’s worth of phosphorus

Every year, Greenland’s ice sheet releases as much of this key marine nutrient as the mighty Mississippi releases into the Gulf of Mexico, says a new study.

U.S. Southwest is drying

Researchers identified 12 weather patterns across the region. Over the past 30 years, the 3 patterns bringing rain to the U.S. Southwest became less frequent.