How monarchs find Mexico without a map

Researchers say they’ve cracked the secrets of the monarch butterfly’s internal compass.

New tree of life doesn’t look as you’d imagine

The tree of life, which depicts how life has evolved and diversified on the planet, is getting a lot more complicated.

Popocatépetl volcano hurls rock and fire

Awesome videos showing the fiery eruption of Mexico’s Popocatépetl volcano, which began Monday morning.

Eastern monarch butterflies at risk of extinction, scientists say

Populations of the charismatic orange and black monarch butterfly have plummeted. Will they be extinct in 20 years?

Powerful earthquakes in Japan and Ecuador

Japan was struck by a 7.0-magnitude earthquake on April 15, 2016. One day later, on April 16, Ecuador was struck by a 7.8-magnitude earthquake.

Top 6 things about gravity

Gravity does far more than make things fall down. It governs the motion of planets around the sun, holds galaxies together and determines the structure of the universe.

Spiders with super-fast mousetrap mouths

In the forests of South America and New Zealand, trap-jaw spiders have mouths clamp down on their quarry like a mousetrap, at lightning speeds.

Rainbows around the world

Images of rainbows from all over the world taken by EarthSky's Facebook friends. Beautiful!

Gulf of Mexico dolphin deaths likely due to oil

Study finds higher rate of illness and death in newborns and juvenile bottlenose dolphins after Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Another wave of bird extinctions in the Americas?

Several bird species are taking their final bows on the global evolutionary stage, and winking out. The situation in northeast Brazil is particularly dire.