2024 Atlantic hurricane outlook and list of names

Colorado State University has released its Atlantic hurricane outlook for the upcoming season. Read more here and get the list of 2024's hurricane names.

Reforestation in US East helped keep it cool

According to new research, reforestation in the eastern U.S. helped counter rising temperatures in the 20th century. Learn more here.

Death Valley is in bloom, temporary lake still there

The heavy rains in Death Valley National Park over the past 6 months created a temporary lake and now a profusion of wildflowers.

Monday’s total solar eclipse from space

Earth-observing satellites captured imagery of the Moon’s shadow as it raced eastward over North America on the April 8, 2024 total solar eclipse.

Seahorses are tiny, ravenous creatures: Lifeform of the week

Seahorses look like a blend of different animals, making them mysterious and efficient. With no stomach, they have to eat nearly constantly.

Media we love: The Big Ones, a book review

The Big Ones by Lucy Jones looks at some of history's most destructive natural events, how they changed our world and ways to prepare and recover.

Total solar eclipses are due to a fantastic coincidence

Total solar eclipses are the result of a fantastic coincidence: The moon is 400 times smaller than the sun but also 400 times closer to Earth.

Is the rare New Jersey earthquake related to the eclipse?

Conspiracy theorists are imagining a connection between yesterday's New Jersey earthquake and Monday's solar eclipse. The quake and the craziness here. 

The threat of supernovas to life on Earth

The threat of supernovas to life on Earth is due to their intense radiation. Fortunately, they'd have to be fairly close to affect Earth.

The April 8 eclipse will reduce solar power, strain the grid

The April 8 eclipse will impact solar power generation, straining the grid. But grid operators are ready to compensate for the loss of energy production.