The water whorls of baby starfish

Video shows the beautiful and efficient mechanism that tiny starfish larvae use to swim, feed and grow.

Scientists find jet stream in Earth’s core

ESA's Swarm satellites have discovered a jet stream in the liquid iron part of Earth’s core, nearly 2,000 miles (3000 km) below the surface.

How likely is a white Christmas?

Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? Here's the historic probability for one, in the U.S.

Did Ice Age hunters burn Europe’s forests?

Large-scale forest fires started by prehistoric hunter-gatherers are probably the reason Europe is not more densely forested, says a new study.

Twice as many bird species as before?

Bird watchers, prepare to update your checklists. Ornithologists are pondering a new way of defining bird species. If the new thinking is accepted globally, the number of known bird species would double.

Rare glimpse of feathered dinosaur tail

Noticed at an amber market in Myanmar, an amber specimen is now said to hold one of the best, most beautiful and most useful examples of dinosaur feathers.

New Zealand quake reveals new land

The 7.8-magnitude earthquake off the coast of New Zealand's South Island on November 13 created a thin swath of newly exposed land. Before and after images.

Arctic sea ice at record low

So far this year, the Arctic Ocean and neighboring seas have been slow to freeze, setting a record low for the floating cap of sea ice in November.

Gravity waves over China

Gravity waves traveling upwards from the lower atmosphere caused this unusual banded structure in airglow above China in late November.

What’s the hottest Earth has ever been?

Earth’s hottest periods occurred before humans existed. Those ancient climates would have been like nothing our species has ever seen.