Study: A third of Asia’s glaciers likely gone by 2100

Meltwater from the glaciers supplies water to 800 million people, so that loss would mean serious consequences for water management, food security, energy production.

Arctic report card 2017

The report shows the warming trend that's transforming the Arctic region is persisting. The Arctic shows no sign of returning to reliably frozen region of recent past decades, say scientists.

Exposed to wildfire smoke? 5 questions answered

The intense wildfires in southern California are triggering air quality alerts. What do health experts know about how inhaling smoke affects human health?

Darth Vader horseshoe crab

A 245-million-year-old fossil horseshoe crab, recently discovered in Idaho, has been named Vaderlimulus after Star Wars' Darth Vader. It's easy to see why.

California in flames

According to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, the 2017 California wildfire season is the worst on record.

Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count starts December 14

Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count is one of the longest-running citizen science projects in existence. Here's how to participate.

Asperitas clouds over Tenerife

Meet Earth's newest named cloud, the asperitas cloud, 1st new addition to the International Cloud Atlas in over half a century.

Turning hurricanes into music

A meteorologist and a music technologist are turning data from tropical storms into musical graphs. Can listening to storms help us understand them better?

The largest land organism is … a fungus

Maybe you thought it was the giant sequoia or the African elephant. Not even close. The biggest honey fungus identified in North America measures 3.4 miles across!.

Yetis? Nope. DNA study says bears

A new DNA study of purported Yeti samples from museums and private collections is providing insight into the origins of this Himalayan legend.